Archive for April, 2013

What’s On Your Everything Else List?

Thinking like an Artist in the Digital Age

This week is one of those weeks where I remember silly things, such as “you don’t have to have only one thing to write about to submit a blogpost.”

Here I am, an Artist. I have a day job as a therapist where I get to unite the scientific with the the spiritual, mystical, and the artistry of authentic living, and I get to do it in one of the most exciting eras: the Digital Age.  I run into these strange moments of utter paralysis, where I am twitching whilst my fingers hang over the keyboard. “Too many things to write about! Where do I start?” my mind screams. I start here. If you have any idea to march upon that is in the least bit artistic, you will encounter at least one person close to you that doesn’t like it and will let you know you  or your idea – or both – “suckz ballz”. I’ll hazard a guess that this indicator is as good as any to let you know you might be onto something.


On the short end of things, I’ll cut to the chase. In the span of four weeks, I managed to:

* get engaged to be married

* travel to Maui and ride in a support van for triathletes

* attend my first swimming lesson.  Ever.

* commit to training for my first sprint triathlon [woot!]

* fill my work calendar to 90% capacity

* come up with two more eBook ideas

* be selected to receive a pair of Google Glass in the #ProjectGlass contest

* be filmed in a TV commercial for pay [check is in the mail]

* entertain a performance-oriented collaboration with a fellow artist

* complete a reverse-order, mostly indoor triathlon without cracking my head open during the swim [I did bump into a swimmer sharing a lane]

Other than eating, sleeping, and working, the “everything else” list is all the stuff I wish to attend to more, but after the other three things are taken care  of adequately. But if you noticed, my “everything else” list is quite long! I should be absolutely and unequivocally BONKERS right now. Stark raving mad. Looney Tunes and ready to eat my kittehs for breakfast out of sleep deprivation and over-exhaustion. Read on to find out how I’m managing to have a life, do art, and make my world a better place!

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Seattle World Eats Upcoming Schedule

Do you live in Seattle?

Do you like world cuisine? How about world dance? Wine and noms?

I created #SeattleWorldEats for, so locals could find out where I'm dancing, producing world dance shows hosted in restaurants and venues serving exotic food, or catching Hips For Hire branded events around town featuring the delicious cuisine and wine.

Next Seattle World Eats events:

June 30 2012 7:30 pm Bellydancing with Imei
Costas Opa in Fremont/ Seattle (I will have some special guests with me that evening, so come and join us)

July 2012 Spiro's (scheduled TBA soon)

July 15, 2012 Redmond Derby Days 5K Dash
Benefits American Pancreatic Cancer Society

July 21-22, 2012 25th Annual Mediterranean Fantasy Festival
This is the first year in eight that I have decided to not perform, as I am currently on an aggressive book writing schedule. However, I'll probably peek my head to see the a few friends bellydance.


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