15 Things You Need To Know Before You Move to Seattle

Whether you are relocating for the first time to Seattle, or you are moving into the more urban parts of Seattle from a suburb of the Seattle metro area, I am about to give you a Seattle single girl’s guide of fifteen things you need know before you move to Seattle.

Although I was born and raised primarily in Seattle, I have travelled and lived in its suburbs, in other countries, and in other states. I have a pretty good idea of the considerations the typical person needs to know to make the adjustments to become a happy urban Seattle dweller. It is no secret that I am partial to creature comforts that women like. If you are a man reading this, but there’s a special woman in your life, this short list can be still be helpful.

Be a chic Seattle urban dweller!

Fifteen Things You Need To Know Before You Move To Seattle
Parking is expensive in Seattle. Consider living near a bus line or light rail, and purchase covered parking to store a car during the week. You will save more money by taking public transit after purchasing a bus pass than parking your car downtown.

When you use GPS and online maps, make sure you enter the correct directions, such as NE, S, SW, N, W. One time, the police came to my home and insisted there was a domestic violence call they received for my address. When I asked them to repeat the address, it was for the exact same number and street name, but not the correct neighborhood because of the directional designations.

There is no really good Chinese food in Seattle. Plan on using your passport and going to Vancouver, BC to get your Chinese food fixe. Still, brush up on using chopsticks, because sushi rules this city even more than pho cafes.

Purchase three mini umbrellas to prepare for the weather. Place one in your car, your messenger bag, and your office from Fall to Spring.

Count on walking. A lot. If you like wearing boots, consider one with low heels, or a pair of Uggs in the winter. While stilettos are still hot in NYC and LA, it won’t make it up or down one of Seattle’s many brick-and-mortar streets. Someone in an REI jacket will likely laugh at you if you trip.

Find out where all the the green spots are within walking distance of your concrete jungle. Looking at green makes people feel more relaxed. If you have the room for it, purchase flowering plants and greenery for your home.

Live near a grocery store and a farmer’s market, if at all possible. If you don’t, you’ll either spend ginormous amounts of money on parking, or you’ll pollute the environment to get your organic greens.

If you go to the Eastside, you will run into people who do not know where the major neighborhoods of Ballard, Fremont, Queen Anne, Maple Leaf, or Wallingford are in relationship to each other or downtown Seattle. You might as well tell them these are in France. Some people will never get to know Seattle like you do.

There can be traffic at all times of the day, for no reason, or for a sporting event in SODO. The two bridges linking Seattle to the Eastside can become floating parking lots. Carry a copy of the Mariner’s and Seahawks season games, and plan accordingly. Do your best not to whine publicly about the fan mania, because people defend these sports teams like they love their dogs.

There are more registered dogs per Seattle household than there are children. For some reason, there doesn’t seem to be enough pet services to express the glands of those dogs when you need one. Book ahead.

I have spent more time standing on my feet on a bus ride than in any other city in America. On only a couple of occasions have men offered me their seat. More likely, they will look up from their mobile phone after checking in on Foursquare for “Metro bus”, and then ignore you.

For all the talk about Seattle being one of the best city’s for online dating, it’s still a small city. Attend a few Social Media events or mixers, and eventually you’ll see all the same people. Break free by joining other groups with eclectic interests outside your normal crowd.

If you’re prone to the blues because of the rainy weather, plan your winter getaway early. Purchase a light box, or try short sessions at a tanning salon that has higher UVB settings. Talk to your doctor about Vitamin D deficiency.

Seattle has plenty of arts and entertainment to choose from, with small and large theaters, film festivals, concerts, and dancing. If you’re under 40, check out tickets with the Bravo Club of the Seattle Opera. Go online for websites advertising day and evening events, such as Seattle Night Out.

Seattle is a city close to water and mountains. Not an outdoorsy type? I suggest you join a club to become one. There are stores with gently used gear so you can try your hand at it without breaking the bank. Always wanted to try snowboarding? Local ski and boarding resorts have winter deals to fit your budget, including lift ticket and rentals. If you buy your own equipment, you can also purchase wall mounts to show off your equipment like works of art in your home.

Got your own suggestions? Send in your comments, and tell us about your Seattle relocation experience.

Dance Artist, Psychotherapist, Triage Nurse. Consumer geek and audophile. Slave to two adorable Applehead Siamese iKittehs with conductive paws. iPad DJ. Soon to be published author. Plays with the geeky toys and likes them. 10K runner training for a half marathon. Send offline comments to info at hips for hire dot com.

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9 Responses to “15 Things You Need To Know Before You Move to Seattle”
  1. 01.24.2011

    This sounds random but I reeli want a micro pig lol I keep seeing em everywhere couple peeps I kno got em heard they ridiculously xpensive!

    • Imei

      While that clearly is random, micro pigs are for sale in Washington. In the city of Seattle, you can have dogs, cats, chickens, and a goat. I don’t believe there is any restriction against a micro pig.

  2. Van

    would you recommend seattle for a northern california city girl??

    • Imei

      If you’re just talking about the weather, then YES — I would recommend it. The Bay area and further north in Cali can get as much rain as the Puget Sound region. But we also get the payoff — beautiful snow, crisp winters without the horrors of a NE-style blizzard.

      But if you intend to drive a car around Seattle for work, consider these options:
      1. Mass transit
      2. Boots
      3. Car tires for snow, four-wheel drive
      4. A few lessons in learning to drive in icy and light snow conditions

  3. Lillie Waska

    I hope the admin get rid of the countless stupid spam here. its getting hard to sort out the real comments

    • 10.06.2012

      True, there has been some spam here. Extracting now. Thank you for your patience.

  4. Baz

    Nice article. Very helpful. Thank You.

  5. Isabela

    Would you recommend Seattle to a Floridian? I have lived in Florida all my life and I want to experience a new change in scenery and what not and I believe Seattle is a great place to start. But… I know it is definitely a HUGE change haha.

    • 10.06.2012

      I’d recommend anyone to come to Seattle to live who can adapt to our four-season climate. If you are outdoorsy at all, you’ll love the mountains, skiing, swimming, cycling, and running you can do all year around if you get used to the rain and the darkness. You would probably have to select a living situation where you had lots of natural light and could leave your window shades open during the daytime without people being able to easily see you from the street. Adjusting to the change in latitude would probably be your biggest concern.

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