Artist Registration - the why and the how of registration with Hips for Hire

Hips for Hire includes board members with backgrounds in art, marketing, the healing professions, and other related fields. We conduct searches and open auditions by video or in person for various performing artists who wish to use their talents to change the world.  We contact various organizations who have needs for performance artists for fundraisers, clinics and workshops, and traveling opportunities, and we will apply for grants to help subsidize larger projects. 

Artists will be limited to three of any one type in order to showcase their talents. More detailed descriptions of artists is released only to the participating organizations; artists registered with Hips for Hire do not directly advertise themselves with their website information.  Artists selected by our Board are registered free of charge. 

Organizations wishing to hire these performers will be notified of the rate of pay for performances. Additionally, we will apply for performing artist grants to help subsidize the costs. An administrative fee (5-12%) will be assessed to help offset the cost of running the website and marketing, as well as pay future employees. We expect to grow and expand from a Seattle-based company to a regional one, with sister companies in each region and eventually sister projects around the world. 


Hips for hire is a collaborative organization of professionals and performance artists. By registering yourself or your group on the form below, you are embarking on a unique and innovative opportunity to use your art to make a difference. If you qualify, join us and show the greedy world how playground sharing is the new "sexy" that works!


See more information about registration and hiring on our FAQs page. 





Registration Form

Please fill out this form